Monday, February 15, 2010

HArt Project ... Valentines Day 2010 ... Green Lake Park Seattle

Screw Hallmark! Another commerce holiday... how lovely. Spend spend give some diamond pink drink. Or not. We made it real by sprinkling some guerilla art action this Valentines 2010 with the Briar Bates championed "HArt" project on the trail around Green Lake Park outside of Seattle. Four hearts were created and left for passerbys to experience a little magic. There was the Thorn Heart (Matthew), the Shrub Heart, the Rotten Heart, and the Bodice Heart (all three by Briar).
Here's the Thorn Heart being installed between two trees that overhang the water. The heart was woven from rose bush branches, and suspended between the trees with fishing wire. Some blood and skin were shed making this one, massive thorns are attracted to DNA.

The Bodice Heart was an interactive piece. A passerby was to step on the board below (later modified with an inflatable beetle replacing the wood) that would pump air through the hose hidden on the ground and up the bodice to the heart. When released, the heart deflated!

This piece is the Shrub Heart. For obvious reasons. Though Leo had no idea it was trimmed into a heart shape until later when we walked back and he captured the correct viewing angle. This piece was awesome in its simplicity, yet had the greatest impact. All you need is a dead bush and some red spray paint and you've got art people! Do it.

Rad paper mache and molding clay Rotten Heart, how apropos to be hung from a crab apple tree. This one was a bit off the path, so finding it would have been a surprise for sure. I wonder how long the city parks crew will let the HArt project bleed on for?
Giving a quick "shout out" to Leo for coming along and taking a bunch of great photos, and for climbing trees and rolling around in the mud. Also, he's really tall like a ladder with a horse for a bike.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Vain Graffiti Wall - Seattle

Grabbed some shots of the Vain Salon graffit wall on 1st Avenue in downtown Seattle. This wall has been happening for decades as various establishments have come and gone but still nurtured more art.